
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AK Adventure Days 72-75: Eagle River

Recuperating after heinously LONG day yesterday...slept in after 1:15am arrival time this morning back in Eagle River!!

Organized the van—can ACTUALLY see out of the back windows to safely back up now!!...sorted through stuff...made a pile for the thrift store—YAY!!  The van is feeling good and ready to go...will just need to filter water to fill all of my water bottles...last load of some travel groceries...gas....

Had to go back to the auto repair shop—AARGH!!...for some reason the electric windows and turn signals stopped working...found out it was a failing ignition switch!!...double AARGH!!...but...glad to get the windows rolled back UP before the drive out...and the next rain storm!!

While running errands with sister...had a little tourist drive into Anchorage...a true AK vehicle—tires inside back seat, on top and a little tire strapped onto the front bumper!!...painted trash cans—a novel “mural” idea!!...the rose hips around the area are ripening up!!

Days of chores...organizing...packing...we’re ready to head off to Skagway tomorrow.  We were told that drive was better than to Haines....We’ll take the ferry from Skagway to Haines and then on to Juneau.

We have a couple of tourism stops between here and Skagway...and the AK Ferry system is currently on not really sure what day we’ll be able to get onto the ferry!!...Sister has to be at new job on the something has to happen between now and then!!...I’d like to have a few days in Juneau to be a tourist!!...on to the “driving out”  adventure!!

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