
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

AK Adventure Day 53: Homer still

Lovely morning on the Homer Spit!!...foggy and cool....I lounged in the van...with a view of the ocean...until 10am!!  LOVED IT!!

Then, of course, headed off to 2 Sisters to get a chocolate bread!! other good stuff for the day’s eating!!...and then to the grocery store for some GT’s kombucha!!...I’m still addicted!!

Headed to the library to get caught up on the blog!!...and to enjoy the view from my favorite corner!!

The ocean is very choppy the Hesketh Island trip was going to be pushed back to tomorrow...fine with me...I detest rough ocean water!!

With that in mind...the universe just told me I should go and help the Joneses harvest their peonies instead!!...that would be more USEFUL than me just going off to have some fun on a remote island!!...maybe I can still fit in a trip over there before I leave the first part of August....

So...I’ll head to the Jones’ homestead this evening...sleep there...and will spend the next few days harvesting peonies!!...should be an adventure!!

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