

my Pinterest-Homesteading board

Zac Brown Band--Free

Ashley's ArtShopBlog

Maja's online towel business

Dr. McDougall

Susan Miller Monthly Horoscope

Story People

Simple Truths

White Eagle Lodge

Industrial Country Market

World of Daisy

Bonita's El Camino Blog

Slow Food

Ecology Action Farm

Bio-Intensive Gardening How-to

The Camino


  1. Thanks for today's entry. I think about enjoying eating meat, and raising our 6 chikins. They have a certain intelligence that I respect and I could never kill them, but I still enjoy chicken soup. I like the prayer or blessing that you posted that helps make sense of how we eat.
    By the way, are you planting yet?

    1. The BIO Garden is underway...planted wheat, onions, garlic, broccoli, lettuce...I've flatted beets, leeks, jalapeños and bell peppers...and will flat quinoa this week. In two weeks the seedling should be ready for transplanting to the beds. I've added links to the Ecology Action website and the YouTube instructional videos on how to start a bio-intensive garden!!
      Thank you for following the blog...and especially, for your comments!! :-D
