
Friday, July 12, 2019

AK Adventure Days 54-55: Peony Farm

Beautiful, cool, misty morning out East End Rd in Homer...just my kind of working conditions!! Sad to see ALL of the blown peony blossoms...beautiful...but that means loss of $$!!

A “missions group” from Minnesota came out in the morning to help deadhead plants...and also to cut some non-sellable stems to take to a church “ice-cream social” later that evening.

Quite enjoyable day working in the peony field!!

The stems are cut when the buds feel sort of marshmallow-y.  The lower leaves are “stripped” and then the stems are cut in standard “market” lengths. Certain “grade” flowers (based on size of the bud) ...the stems are cut either 16” or 20”.  The 16” stems are sold to the “grocery store” market.  The 20” stems are sold to the “small flower” market...not sure about other length stems or other markets....

The stems are then counted and placed on racks by “type.” The peonies are stored in walk-in coolers and held at 34-36 degree temperatures. They are not put into water!!...The stems can be kept in this “suspended animation” state for up to 6 weeks!!  24 hours before shipment...they are put into water to plump up...and then shipped. Seems weird to me!!

The afternoon was still lovely and cool...and then cleared off by early evening.

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