
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

AK Adventure Day 51: to Homer...oops NOT!!

Well...started off to Homer....The plan was to finally go to Hesketh Island this week...but the departure date was changed from Monday to Tuesday. Not a problem...I needed time to catch up on the blog anyway...and you KNOW how I just LOVE the Homer library!!

Smoke still hanging over Turnagain Arm....

Well...there was a metal clanking something that hit the right side van running board.  I didn’t see that I ran over anything...nor that any vehicle in front of me threw off something to hit the pulled over to check the tires...just in case that was an issue.

NOTHING...started driving again...and a little sound started...similar to the sound I had before I took the van in to have the brakes checked...and then repaired on Friday.

I pulled over a second time...looked started up yet again....

The noise started getting after Girdwood...I decided to just turn around and go back to Eagle River!!...and to take the van back in to the repair shop tomorrow-Monday!! AARGH!!  Good thing the Hesketh Island trip was postponed to Tuesday!!

I stopped in Girdwood for a potty break and headed back north!!  Had a little “van envy”...look at those tire rims and that BEAUTIFUL shiny paint job!! The “white goddess” van was envious, too!!

By the time I reached Eagle River...the brakes were metal on metal grinding!!  I almost stopped and just had the van towed...but managed to make it there by some shenanigans!!...every time I had to apply the brakes and the grinding started...I then stopped...put the van in reverse, braked...and then the noise I then went again...and all seemed well...until I had to BRAKE the next time!!  That made for a LONG trip back—through Anchorage...and traffic!!  Pedestrians probably thought it was the end of the world whenever I was braking near them!!...AARGH!!...and NOISE POLLUTION!!...and EMBARRASSING!!

Well...parked the van and had a great day BACK in the Eagle River area!!...the universe definitely had other plans for me rather than spending the afternoon in the library!!  LOL!! outing—out for a Mexican food lunch (not as good as true TEXMEX!!)...then helped sister pack for moving to Juneau!!

A nice dinner with her home host and friends...then we headed off to try to catch the BORE tide in Turnagain Arm...with a little train stalking on the way...

We stopped at Bird Point...and hung out for awhile...then realized it was still going to be at least an hour and half before the bore tide started in that area.

So...we decided to pass the time by going on to Girdwood and getting an ice cream snack!!  Why not??...PERFECT idea!!

By the time we were heading north toward Bird Point ...we were coming up to the first scenic pull off heading back into Anchorage...and VOILA...paddle boarders were parked there...getting ready to go out into the ocean!!...Well...who wants to just look at a BORE tide...when you could watch a bore tide AND paddle boarders!!??  Hence...part 2 of the PERFECT idea!!

What a TREAT!!...I’ve been coming to AK since 1997...and this was the first time I’d witnessed a bore tide!!...Quite spectacular!!...AND the paddle boarders braving the freezing cold water!!...A CUTE young paddle boarder said “bikini up!!”...and there was also more “van envy” for me!!

Enjoyed the beautiful evening...waiting for the bore tide to start.

...and here it comes...along with the paddle boarders!!

FUN times were had by ALL!!

Heading back to Eagle River...we did more train stalking!!  I just LOVE trains!!

WHAT a DAY/EVENING!!...SO GLAD I didn’t head on down to Homer this morning!! I wouldn’t have missed this for the world!!

Later that night...I drove the van...loud brakes and all...over to the mechanic shop—to avoid morning traffic...and I just spent the night in their parking lot so I could check in ASAP when they opened!!

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