
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 8

We haven't had wifi now for several days. The RV parks say they have wifi...but it is either really not there, but at the cafe next door where you have to buy something for $5.00 and then you get 30 mins free....or yes, they have it in the store area...but you have to pay.  We're in to free!!

Some nice scenery today...bad roads in the Yukon...beautiful lakes!!...Whitehorse is a small city now, still more rain and weird clouds.

It rained off and on last night, so we had to deal with a wet tent all day!! That is the  beauty of having a van to sleep in!! It is raining again tonight, so we'll all sleep in the van. (This is the worse RV park to in Beaver Creek!!)

We had less wildlife today. Two rabbits, two black bears, one brown bear, and a fox...but no sheep, elk, caribou...although supposedly those were possibilities.

Tomorrow we have 20 miles to the US/Canada border...then heading to Anchorage. YEA!!

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