
Monday, June 24, 2019

AK Adventure Day 36: Anchorage, Palmer/Wasilla Hiking case anyone wonders...YES...I am the girl who is COMPLETELY happy to wear an undershirt, turtleneck, vest AND a jacket...long underwear under my britches...wool socks over my toe socks...a bandana or scarf around my neck...and YES...even happy to put on a winter stocking cap!!...I AM the girl who would be SO HAPPY to NEVER again wear sandals, short sleeve shirts and capris...or a bathing suit!!  I don’t MIND working up a sweat wearing all of those least I am covered UP...and I can peel off layers as needed!!...IMPOSSIBLE to DO when there are triple digit summer temperatures elsewhere in the lower 48!!...highs now on the Kenai Peninsula are in the mid 60’s and here in Anchorage in the mid 70’s!!...JUST my kind of temperatures!!!

Finally a BIT recup’d from our Whittier adventure...we headed out this day for the mid-town farmers’ market and then on to the Artisan Market.

Senator Lisa Murkowski was present to kick off the new Mid-Town Farmers’ Market.

...on to the Artisan Market...

...on to Hatcher Pass area (old gold mine location) hiking....there were even some hang gliders jumping off one place...we never saw where they actually glided to...but it was bound to have been a magnificent trip!!

We stopped at this Lodge outside of the park...and it was pretty junky, just check out that roofing!!—typical of some AK stuff!!..but also some quirky parts....

...a bear track!!

We were somewhere between Wasilla and Palmer....

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