
Monday, May 27, 2019

AK Adventure Day 6–to Liard Hot Springs

Just a 4 hr drive today...from ft Nelson to Liard Hot Springs. 

In that short drive we saw 6 adult black bears and two cubs...a BIG  deer...a porcupine and two groups of bison!!

There were interesting trenches, berms and swales running between the forests and the highway...channeling rain water flowing out of low areas in the forests down to culverts under the highway. We also wondered if those trenches could also be useful as fire breaks.

When we came to the bison area, the easements along the highway had been mowed which was quite lovely...the bison were happily munching the cut grass...oblivious to the mini-Winnie’s and cars stopped along the roadway for photo-ops!!

We enjoyed mountain views, rivers, Summit Lake, Muncho Lake...and a lovely time in the Liard Hot Springs. 

The Liard Campground and provincial park is peaceful...and as always...I enjoy chatting with fellow travelers. 

I had the Berkey water filter out...doing its thing...and a fellow camper (from the Netherlands) walking by stopped and asked what in the world it was!!...of course a lovely conversation ensued!!
...after that...he asked about the US and Canada map stickers I have on the van...and more lovely chats about traveling....then he told us about he and his wife “camping” around Europe for their little 10’ travel trailer....FUN times!!...obviously kindred traveling spirits....

No electric hookup tonight...but the weather is pleasant so we should be fine without heater or fan!!

Tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast and lunch prep will also of course be made without the benefit of the electric hot water pot!!...not a problem at all!!

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