
Monday, May 27, 2019

AK Adventure Day 5–to Ft Nelson, BC

I was just so pissed at RV park WiFi...taking literally hours to upload photos...and also pissed at trying to do this on an iPad!!...why the heck did I every go the iPad route!!...moronic!!...anyway...I just gave up trying to do this every will just try to catch up now!!

We have always been on the lookout for wildlife!!  We had seen deer here and here...just munching away at grass along the highways...not giving a care in the world about all of the traffic!!...and last night we saw a black-billed Magpie...which we took as a sign of great things to come!! the day dawned at the Sagitawah RV park with a glimmer of an orange sunrise.  It has been overcast for days...which does make for enjoyable driving... but a little color other than gray made for an exciting morning!!

Through Alberta...on to British Columbia.  We stopped at Dawson Creek—Mile 0 of the famous ALCAN Highway. Did a little shopping in the quaint downtown...of course got a bumper sticker!!...and then on our way...north and west....

There was a lot of traffic on the road going both ways...and the driving adventure just didn’t seem much different than the past days driving between city to city...until we got out of Ft St John.  After 4 and a half days of travel...I FINALLY felt like I was really on the North to Alaska trip!!

The road was a two lane road with wilderness on both sides...and we drove for miles and miles at a time...without seeing another vehicle!!  We drove 4 hours with only 1 gas station showing any signs of civilization...and ended up taking a potty break on the side of the road...WONDERFUL!!  Just my kind of place in the world!!

We had many hours driving with wood smoke in the air, which we found out was from a forest fire to our north.  We also passed many miles of burned forests from last summer’s forest fires.

We saw 3 black bears...but nary a moose!!...I’m sure we will see one at some point!!

Warmer day today...had to shed the “winter” clothes...and actually have the FAN on now...instead of
the heater!!  We should still have a low overnight in the 40’s...the bomb!!

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