
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Summer Gypsy Working Vacation--Part 4

...very interesting to see colors of the freshly plowed soil in different parts of the country...

...heading south across two states showed the areas to have had less and less rain...from green and lush to brown and it is in the summer...

...there were fields of sorghum (aka milo) in various stages of maturity.  Green seed heads, gold-ish and red. The mature red seed heads make for the most beautiful fields.

...and I think the lush, green fields were soybeans...and the fields with the white flowers were cotton.

 ...hay fields in various stages of harvesting...even alongside the highways...SMART!!

...not sure...corn?? or sorghum??...also, saw many fields in various stages of maturity/harvest...

 ...and many pecan orchards....

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