
Monday, June 2, 2014


I used to think you fall in love once, or maybe twice, in your whole life, & then I met you, & now I fall in love all the time, so I'm pretty sure I'm up to five hundredHigh Fall

"We will raise our children to tell the truth. We will do this by encouraging them to speak their minds at every moment. For the child, withholding words is the same as lying.
We will be honest with our children even at the expense of their feelings. The only reason people cannot bear honesty now is because they were not raised hearing the truth about themselves, and they can’t stand to. If children are raised to hear both honest praise and honest criticism, they will not be so fragile as to crumble beneath the scrutiny of their peers. A life of truth makes us strong."  Divergent

…goodbye my sweet garden friend Mimo!!  I loved her…and she loved me…. Drink a beer…Luke Bryan

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