
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Golden Year Brainstorming--behaviors

What is my world view?? The test of your world view is not how you act in the good times, but how you act at your funeral; we think the good life is looking good, feeling good, and getting the goods. It's about being good and doing good.

The Power of Introverts...Susan Cain


Those are as ANNOYING to some folks as negativity...woe is to others!!...and THAT'S OK!!  We ALL have experienced both ends of this spectrum of feelings.  If we gravitate more toward one end rather than the be it!!  That's what makes us who we are!!  It takes ALL kinds of folks to make the world go round!!

Also...I can CHOOSE to be in an agitating situation...around that energy...or NOT!!

My AHHH HAHHH moment...I can calm my emotions (lower that blood pressure!!) and find a workable solution for the that honors ME and my feelings, as well as, those of the other(s) involved...I can determine if there is a positive/affirming way to interact with the disturbing (to me) situation...and if I have difficulty centering and opening myself up for a little divine inspiration...then I can always just REMOVE myself from the situation!!  RIGHT!!??

If I don't feel strong enough in the moment to embrace the learning opportunity and grow with is just as important to me to recognize there is that potential opportunity...step away...diffuse...and then take TIME to ruminate over it and develop some "what if's" for the next time!!....I accept BOTH options as valid for me!!  When I choose one of those two options, I am happy with myself...I am encouraged...and I am confident with practice...I will be more "quicker on my feet" and have to choose less...the option of stepping away!!

This morning's divine inspiration is validation for alone time...time for introspection...time for spiritual one of my ya-ya's has observed and said to me for you can hear...and find that inner thread of divine spirit....

Yes, I'm thankful for the socialization skills I've learned over the to get to make others feel to have FUN!!....I am SO THANKFUL for the many SAFE opportunities of my life which have afforded me the ability to grow into the person I am. Because of those opportunities and socialization skills, I have a plethora of wonderful memories...a connection with the collective souls in my life that is unfathomable...much happiness and joy surrounds me.

Note to self: when you feel the forehead crinkle into a frown...the blood pressure rise...the breathing stop...the eyes squint...EMOTION taking OVER!!....lift the 15 centering breaths...reciting a key word to diffuse the anxiety/paranoia/fear/stress..... collective souls...please email me your pearls of wisdom on behaviors you choose to take with you and those you choose to leave behind.....

--Are the traits we dislike in others actually traits we dislike in ourselves?--
From--**this is taken from my blog... if you liked it please check out my other postings... **
maybe this is a simple question but - how come we don't just like everyone? why do i feel compelled after meeting someone to say, "oh i did not like her vibe". that may be my instincts coming up to warn me. but i also think it is important to analyze what traits in that person made me come to such a conclusion.
let me back up. i once read that everything you dislike about someone else actually represents something that you don't like about yourself. TRIP ON THAT!
when i heard this, it made me think about this person that was once a part of my life. i remember not liking her negativity and her constant need to judge and pick people apart. but now i see that this trait that i found so ugly in her was actually a fear of mine. it was a part of me that i always worried would come out. tucked away was my own desire to critique people and sort their traits into being good or bad. this behavior that was so blatant in my friend that made me cringe was actually an issue of my own. it was something i disliked about myself. yes, this person was not good to have in my life and had to go. but also it was a blessing because it made me look at myself in a new light. and forced me to dig up some of my own insecurities.
i will be honest it's scary. and at first you are going to deny it to yourself. believe me my first reaction was to run from this discovery. i fed myself bullshit that i was this positive person, always free of judgment. let me say this -no one can be something all the time. no matter how great you think one part of your personality is, there is always a flip side. this may be confusing and even disheartening. but uncovering this flip side will release a lot of problems and will open you up to so much more. "the art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them".
so in response to how come we cant like everyone? i think we can. if we do enough digging and reflection of ourselves we can begin to let more people into our lives.
its interesting because after writing this i was thinking of that person that i learned this from... and there is no way in hell i want her back in my life. but i am still grateful for the experience i had with her. i gained something from it. it wasn't a life long friendship- it was more. i gained knowledge about myself. thus i think allowing more experiences and more people to pass through your life makes you a better person and eventually helps you find love in more places.
"With love I will tear down the wall of suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts, and in its place, I will build bridges so that my love may enter their souls. "
“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.” - Tao Tzu
-be intimate with this moment
-be grateful for this day, because it will never come again
-be ok with where you are

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” –Bob Marley

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