
Monday, September 30, 2013

Off the grid--sort of!!

I guess it is a bit funny to have a solar panel for a tent!!  The tent is now predominately off-the-grid.  I'm still tweaking the I have the "on-the-grid" electric cord as a back-up!!

Keeping a log of charge/usage, to determine if I'll need a second battery and/or solar panel.  Will have to test out the process to determine how long the batteries will run a small heater when it is REALLY cold this fall!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Laundry Duty

The morning chores include: running, dressing for work, eating breakfast, checking email, brushing teeth, washing clothes, hanging clothes on the clothes line...then off to work in the bio-intensive demonstration garden.

After researching the most effective way to do hand washing...I pre-soak the clothes over night in a small plastic tub.  Then I scrub them the next morning on a washboard I borrowed from my sister.  Then comes two rinse cycles...wringing out between each batch.  If it is rainy, I hang the clothes in the little shed to dry.

I've embraced Mother Teresa's plan for clothing...only having "wash one/wear one" sets of work clothing...and I have added a "spare" set of everything...just in case!!  Also, only using a thin hand towel for drying off is MUCH easier to wash and dry every day.

So...I'm wearing one set of work clothes and then I just take the clothes off the line and have them ready to put on after I shower.  This streamlining has SO SIMPLIFIED my daily life!!  I love it!!

...cloudy mornings are the BEST!!  When the temperatures are still high, the cloud cover makes for lovely morning work in the garden!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Birthday Party

Flowers and such from the garden for the birthday party: zinnias, sunflowers, hyacinth bean, cranberry hibiscus, canna lilies and sweet potato vines.

Farm family chowing down...I was the chef of the day!!

60 Years Young Today!!

My...OH... My....has it really been a "new beginnings" year!!  Time sure flies when you're having a gypsy adventure!!

"How to live a life (or what I know so far...) 1.  You already are. Now. When are you going to choose to enjoy it? (How's that for clearing up the clutter?)"

I moved into a tent the end of June...yes...Texas summers are HOT!!  For a girl who loves to live in Alaska in the ask...WHY?? in a tent during long stretches of 3 digit temperatures??

I was in between living places, so I thought taking the leap to the tent would be perfect embarked on a 6 month experiment in reducing my carbon little step at a time.

I was still "connected" to the grid...using a small fan to keep cool when I went to sleep.  Once the sun went down behind the trees, the temperature dropped and sleeping was just fine!!  Only a few nights was it still 99 degrees at 8:00pm!!...but I survived without much angst!! Pinterest-Homesteading board....