
Monday, March 23, 2020

New Moon Circle

It’s the end of the world as we know it....

...time for self-reflection...thinking outside the box...a paradigm shift...a little (or a lot) Marie Kondo’ing...downtime...back to basics....

Already battling fire widow spiders...poison ivy...just a few challenges of gardening in the south!!...did I say I hate it??...I guess I have to re-embrace it!! least for the moment....

Did I ask for this!!...zombie apocalypse...a settled time of not running around like a chicken with its head cut off...hmmm...I think so...maybe...I don’t know...I’m unsure....

So much for feeling proud of myself for my organizational/planning skills...the precariousness of a super tight calendar reared its dragon’s head!!..trying to get as much done every waking minute as I can...that obsessive Virgoan personality fully ramped up...a tear in the universe...a wake up call...LOL!! what to learn??...figuring it out...hmmm again...........

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