
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Garden update...the summer garden.....

Harvesting the Potatoes

Corn and Asparagus Beans

The wheat has been harvested.

Sweet potato slips are planted.

Dragon's claw millet has been trampled by something!!

Amaranth in all its glory!!

Leucaena and Comfrey

Hideout for the Pink Flamingo

Happy Tomato Bed

Cow Peas, Okra, Eggplant, Trumpet Vine, Yarrow...and of course Cannas and Irises

Jerusalem Artichokes Going Berserk!!

Tomatoes, Okra, Eggplant, with some Cantaloupe for good measure....

Lovely Cranberry Hibiscus, more Tomatoes, the Fig and Loquat Trees

Blackberry bed...with Malabar Spinach and still some Buckwheat

Mint Bed little happy Nook

Wretched Bermuda Grass removed and a few potatoes harvested....just threw some harvested cannas in there to give them a chance to grow again...and hopefully to DIG up the gravel bed!!

:-D bed...

Joya Santa, Horseradish Root, Ginger Root...and some cantaloupe for more good measure....

Butternut Squash...YAY!!

Sorghum growing strong...beds to be prepped for summer cover crop...

Sweet Potato Nursery Bed

Testing Un-trellised Tomatoes...

vs...Trellised Tomatoes...the Asparagus is OVERRUN with Bermuda Grass!!

Cool spot for an afternoon respite.

Peppers, Thai Basil, Runner Beans and Kiwi Vines

Pigeon peas are planted.

Flowers, Runner Beans, Grapes, Sunflowers...and of course Cannas!!

Tree Nursery

The Office!!

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