
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Moon Circle

Give it a try?  Values Test 

Values: These are what the test showed me....

* Integrity…that word isn’t in my vocabulary!!—what the heck does that mean??

Integrity—"implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge."
Integrity—“the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles"
Honesty—"implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way."
Strong moral principles—”The beliefs of right and wrong, accepted by an individual or a social group, which govern your behavior.”
My moral principles seem to be based on “causing no harm, providing care, fairness, reciprocity—the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, loyalty, respect.”

* Adaptability
* Family (my Tribe)
* Personal growth/health/balance
* Making a difference
* Enthusiasm/positive attitude/humor/fun

Now this one was interesting!!…Under the “morality” test…there were scenarios that would be very interesting to have discussions about!! Moral Sense Test

Monday, November 25, 2019

New Moon Circle!!

“If we no longer want to live in a world based on fear, lies, greed, and violence, and instead want to create a world where love, truth, peace, and compassion prevail, we must start with ourselves.” Ross Conrad—Natural Beekeeping 

Bioregional Awareness Quiz

Thursday, August 22, 2019

AK Adventure Day 97: Back in the TX Hill Country

...WOOHOO!!...What an adventure!!...Made it back to the San Marcos area!! the drive through the hill country!!...sheep...hay...wind

What a wonderful 3 months!!

AK Adventure Day 96: to Comanche, TX

...another “family” stop today...Comanche, TX....and then only 1 more day to the END of the AK Adventure!!...back to where I started 97 days ago—May 18th!!

AK Adventure Day 90-95: Oklahoma

...destination Oklahoma—for some family down-time (tea party, kites, swimming, movies...FUN!!)

...back on the familiar I-35...through the always cool Flint Hills of Kansas...wind farms...I always LOVE the turnpikes through Kansas and Oklahoma!!

I’ve never seen a safety rest area sign saying wireless internet!!

AK Adventure Day 89: to southwestern Wisconsin

...long drive today to the far southwestern tip of Wisconsin to visit another Waco WHRI farm peep!!...again...the MOST LOVELY midwest scenery!!  I just can’t get enough of the houses...beautifully manicured fields!!  I certainly FEEL my midwestern ROOTS deep down in every cell!!

Loved the rural roads through many states...North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin!!

Crossed the Mississippi...drove through some Amish country—saw a horse and buggy but too late to get a photo!!...Certainly weird being back on I-35 for a little bit this day.  Will pick I-35 back up again tomorrow. My reward for this LONG day was a lovely dinner at a microbrewery with my peep!!

A couple of nice things about being back into rest stops...and HUGE truck stops....
I have never seen a safety rest stop sign giving this information before!!  VERY COOL!!  Texas—take a lesson!!

Driving along the Iowa Driftless Scenic Byway (BTW—very interesting what that is all about!!)..I passed a sign for the Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm.  OMG!!...REALLY??...I had no idea the farm was in Iowa!!...Of course, I had to go back and pay it a visit!!...and buy some seeds!!